Packaging Pop Quiz!

Pop Quiz! You are going to be moving soon. You will need to get some containers to move your stuff from A to B. What do you go to the store to get?

A)   Cardboard boxes

B)   Plastic bags

C)   Corrugated cartons 

D)   Mary Poppins carpet bag

If you answered D, then that would be most efficient, but unfortunately, wrong and not possible.

If you answered A, you were on the right track, but cardboard won’t hold up.

And plastic bag was just a fill-in answer to give you four options.

By the process of elimination, your answer is C! Congratulations! Now you can tell all your friends to grab some corrugated cartons and bring them over to your place for the moving party!

So, if your moving boxes are not cardboard, but actually corrugated cartons (or boxes, that term is still correct), then what is a cardboard box?

Let’s just make this simple. Picture in your mind a box of your favorite cereal. (Mine is Cinnamon Toast Crunch in case you were wondering.) Now you know what cardboard looks like.

And now, picture your latest Amazon Prime delivery. The box that it arrives in is made of corrugated materials.

These kinds of materials are made from a corrugated (ridged) layer sandwiched between two flat linerboards. This makes the cartons that your most recent online shopping order comes in very durable and helps esnure it arrives to you safe and sound. 

You can see a great example of corrugated sheets on our Home page!